AR & VR at Meta Open Source

AcuratedlistofawesomeAR(AugmentedReality)resources-dharmeshkakadia/awesome-AR....OpenSource.GitHubSponsors.Fundopensourcedevelopers·The ...,ARToolKit+isanopen-sourceARsoftwarethatsolvesthefundamentalproblemsinAugmentedReality,includinggeometrican...。參考影片的文章的如下:


A curated list of awesome AR (Augmented Reality) resources

A curated list of awesome AR (Augmented Reality) resources - dharmeshkakadia/awesome-AR. ... Open Source. GitHub Sponsors. Fund open source developers · The ...

Best Open

ARToolKit+ is an open-source AR software that solves the fundamental problems in Augmented Reality, including geometric and photometric registration. ARToolkit+ ...

Free and Open Source Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual ...

2024年2月16日 — ARToolKit+ is an open-source software that helps solve the fundamental problems in augmented reality including geometric and photometric ...

HoloKit | Open

Kickstart your creative spatial coding with HoloKit, an budget-friendly, open-source AR headset leveraging iPhone and LiDAR.

List Of Resources To Create Web AR

2023年2月25日 — This post shares a list of open source projects or tools which help readers to create Web based AR experiences, these projects are freely ...

Open Source Platform For AR and VR Development in 2023

2022年3月21日 — ARToolKit + is open-source and free software that helps solve the fundamental problems in AR and VR. It is a collection of Augmented reality ...


Open Source Community for Augmented Reality. We aim to develop together the better and open SW and HW for Augmented Reality.

The Best 7 Free and Open Source Augmented Reality ...

1 ARToolKit+ (free and open source). ARToolKit+ is an open source software that helps solve the fundamental problems in augmented reality including geometric ...

Top 4 open source augmented reality SDKs

2018年6月13日 — ARToolKit is a popular open source SDK used for creating enthralling AR apps that overlay virtual imagery on the physical environment. It is ...


AcuratedlistofawesomeAR(AugmentedReality)resources-dharmeshkakadia/awesome-AR....OpenSource.GitHubSponsors.Fundopensourcedevelopers·The ...,ARToolKit+isanopen-sourceARsoftwarethatsolvesthefundamentalproblemsinAugmentedReality,includinggeometricandphotometricregistration.ARToolkit+ ...,2024年2月16日—ARToolKit+isanopen-sourcesoftwarethathelpssolvethefundamentalproblemsinaugmentedrealityincluding...